Do Freelance Writers Need Commercial Insurance?

Embarking on a journey as a freelance writer can be thrilling, particularly if it involves penning down your interests. However, despite checklists mapping routes to success, many freelance writers overlook the necessity of insurance. So, does a freelance writer require commercial insurance?

Freelance Writing: Not Just a Job, but a Business

For many, freelance writing isn’t merely a hobby but a full-time profession. Therefore, it can be considered as running your own business. Hence, securing a commercial insurance policy is prudent to safeguard your enterprise. After all, disputes with clients could arise unexpectedly, jeopardizing your revenue stream. Commercial insurance grants protection, thus securing your source of income.

The Perks of Commercial Insurance for Writers

Every business carries the potential risk of legal battles and lawsuits, especially if clients frequent your workplace. An unfortunate accident causing injury to a client at your premises could lead to a lawsuit. Should you be deemed at fault without insurance, you’d be personally liable for any ensuing financial fallout. This scenario could lead to a potentially devastating financial burden, given that lawsuit amounts are often substantial.

As we can see, while commercial insurance isn’t a legal requirement for freelance writers, it does provide a layer of security and peace of mind. Anticipating misfortunes is impossible, thus having consistent protection is advisable. If you’re a Dadeville, AL, freelance writer contemplating obtaining commercial insurance, engage with Highpoint Insurance Group. We offer commercial insurance serving various businesses throughout the Dadeville, AL, area. Reach out to us for a quote today.